Name and seat

Τhe name of the corporation will be ASSOCIATION OF CYPRUS FAMILIAL AMYLOID POLYNEUROPATHY (TTP-FAP) PATIENTS AND FRIENDS and will be based in Limassol.



  1. Donations through the issuing of lotteries, charity balls, markets, concerts and any other events. The purpose is not just to collect money, but also acquire other objects or products that will be deposited or put under the care of an account or trust fund that will be created to fulfill the Association’s goals.
  2. Organising social gatherings that will contribute towards building the best possible friendships and relations between the patients, their families and friends who are members of the Association
  3. Informing patients and their families about various sources of state aid, as well as financial assistance from other lawful state and/or EU, private or charity organisations and Associations.
  4. Providing effective financial, psychological and practical support, as well as any other assistance that can lead to the best possible welfare and life for FAP patients. This support is for particular importance for them during their stay abroad, waiting for a transplant (as long as the treatment is not possible in Cyprus and it’s necessary to travel and live abroad), as well as following their transplant.
  5. Organising awareness and info-seminars for patients and other members of our Association on international developments concerning ways of FAP diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Pushing forward members’ everyday issues and problems to the various relevant state bodies and authorities. These might include the government, parliament, hospitals or various public or private organisations and institutions. The goal is to secure the best possible treatment, care and living conditions and welfare for patients and their families.
  7. All the above aims will be pursued following the appropriate decisions of the competent Executive Μanagement of the Corporation, using all the lawful means at its disposal and with the single motive being of serving the interests of the Association and its members, without political or partisan involvement, independently of any political convictions, ideology and party interest and rejecting racial discrimination.



  1. Anyone 18 and over can become a member, without prejudice to nationality or race, following an application to the Association’s Executive Board, with the attachments of acceptance reference proposals by two active members of the Association.
  2. Honorary membership is approved by the Association’s General Assembly to individuals with exceptional service and anyone who has made a significant contribution to solving problems faced by the Association. Honorary members do not have voting rights in the General Assembly.


Μember Subscriptions

1.Regular members have the obligation of an annual as well as an extraordinary subscription. The General Assembly sets the amount of the annual subscription and also decides on the amount of the possible extraordinary subscription that goes towards achieving the goals of the Association.

  1. Members are required to have settled both their annual and extraordinary subscriptions to secure participation and voting rights in the General Assembly.


Member Withdrawals

Members can resign their membership at any time after submitting an application to remove their name from the Association member records. Individuals who withdraw on their own accord have no rights reserved with the Association. If an individual should so wish to enroll in future, Article 3 of the Statute applies.




Member Suspension

A member is suspended when they have verbally or in writing, clearly opposed the aims of the Association or convicted (without pending appeals) of a felony or any criminal offence that is demeaning of their dignity. Any such decision is valid following a two thirds (2/3) majority of Executive Board members and ratified by the General Assembly. A suspended member is excluded from future enrollment.


Member Rights

Μembers must adhere to the provisions of the current statute and the General Assembly Regulations and decisions. They have the right to participate in Assembly meetings, exercise control over the Administration’s actions, vote for Executive Board and Audit Committee members, as well as every issue related to the purposes and operation of the Association, raised at conferences. Membership rights are not subject to proxy and cannot be transferred or inherited.


Association Bodies

  1. The General Assembly, b) The Executive Board and c) The Electoral Committee


General Assembly Powers

The General Assembly is the Association’s highest authority and has the final say on every issue that is not subject to specific state legislation or statute provisions of other Association bodies. The General Assembly exercises authority and supervision over the other Association bodies. The General Assembly has exclusive competence over a) evaluation of the outgoing Executive Board’s  actions b) monitoring of the Electoral and Audit Committees d) final approval of the budget and the balance sheets and deciding on any responsibilities that might arise for the Executive Board following the Audit Committee report, e) dissolution of the Association and f) vote for Executive Board, Audit Committee and Election Committee members.




Decisions are taken by simple majority of present members, unless otherwise required and specified. The General Assembly is called on scheduled but also extraordinary meetings in extenuating circumstances, such as serious issues that are of direct impact and importance to the Association. The calling of an extraordinary meeting is decided by the Executive Board or a written petition from at least a third of the members to the Board, outlining the reasons for the request and the proposed agenda. The President of the Executive Board is obliged to call a General Assembly within fifteen (15) days from the filing of the petition. If the President delays on any grounds, then an extraordinary General Assembly can be convened directly by at least a third of members. Voting is secret and/or raising of the hand, but never through voice vote. The Assembly must be in quorum and this implies the attendance of at least half plus one of the Association members who have settled their subscriptions. If there is no quorum in the first call, then a 2nd meeting must be held in half an hour from the time the first one was convened. During this 2nd process, the quorum is set at any number of registered members that have settled their subscriptions.



Invitations to General Assembly meetings will include the agenda and are legitimised through a signature by the President of the Executive Board and the Secretary, who is responsible for posting them out to all members, at the addresses listed in the Association’s records. This is required, at least ten (10) days before the date on which the General Assembly meeting has been set. The invitation is also posted on the Association’s offices notice board.


Εxecutive Board Accountability

During the annual General Assembly, the Board of Directors outlines its actions and the balance sheets and Audit Committee Report are made public and read out. The Assembly then is called to a vote on the approval or not if management and activity by the current Executive Board.





Executive Board Structure

  1. The Association’s affairs are run by an Executive Board, numbering up to 15 members. It is elected every three years through a secret vote at a General Assembly meeting of Association members.  Following the death, suspension or resignation of a member, the Board has executive authority of a replacement appointment by simple majority, running to the end of its three year term. Executive Board members are accountable to Association members.
  2. Following the election Assembly, the President of the Association is required to call a meeting within a period of five (5) days in order to elect Executive Board Members through a secret vote.


Executive Board Meetings

  1. Scheduled meetings are held at least once a month, following an invitation by the President. Extraordinary sessions are held when circumstances arise or following a request by at least three members of the Board through a written petition to the President of the Executive Board, detailing their proposed agenda.
  2. The Executive Board is in quorum if at least half of its members plus one are present. If this is not the case, it reconvenes within a period of half an hour and quorum is established irrespective of the number of members attending.
  3. Executive Board decisions are reached by simple majority of members in attendance. In α tie, the President and/or the Acting Chairperson of the meeting have the winning vote.


Executive Board Powers

  1. Running of the Association subject to relevant legislation and Association Statutes and has decision responsibility on every issue concerning the fulfillment of its aims.
  2. Manages the assets of the Association and takes all necessary measures to effectively handle and solve all issues, always in accordance with General Assembly decisions.


Executive Board members Replacement

Any member who resigns, unjustifiably fails to attend more than three meetings in a row, or is in arrears of their annual subscription, is subject to suspension following an Executive Board decision. In case of suspension or replacement, the Board has to appoint a new member within the next three weeks.


President Responsibilities

Represents the Association at every public or private sector authority on every issue and against all physical and legal persons. This includes every legal case both in and out of court, relevant to the Association. They call, chair and conduct Executive Board meetings. He has authority to sign, along with the Secretary or any other authorised Board member, all documents, invitations and official Association letters. When absent or unable to undertake any responsibility due to other engagements, they are replaced by the Vice-President.


Vice President Responsibilities

Replaces the President in all functions and duties, when unable to exercise them for any reason.


Secretary’s Responsibilities

They are the office manager hold the seal and the records of the Association, the minutes of the Executive Board and the register of Association members. Once every calendar year, they submit to the Executive Board, a list of members in arrears of their annual subscription. There is authority, with the President of the Board, to sign all the documents relevant to the operations and functions of the Association. When absent, their duties are undertaken by any member of the Executive Board, authorised following a relevant decision.


Treasurer’s Responsibilities

  1. Collecting the annual membership subscriptions and additional contributions, with issuing of receipts that bear the seal of the Association and their own or any other authorised Executive Board members’ signature. In charge of the legally binding management of the Association’s Income and responsible for having readily available on a daily basis a specific amount of cash, determined by the Executive Board, for urgent Association needs.
  2. The withdrawal of any amount of funds from banking institutions is subject to the authorization and signature of the CEO and a 2nd authorised member of the Executive Board.
  3. The upkeep of the Association’s ledger books and filing all relevant documents pertaining to the financial management of the Association. Once a year they are obliged to submit an income and expenses analysis, as well as file to the General Assembly, a written account of their financial management for the calendar year. If the treasurer is found to be in violation of duties and responsibilities as determined by the statute, he is suspended and duly replaced.


Advisors’ Responsibilities

Assist the Executive Board in pursuing the Association’s goals and readily available to undertake any duties appointed to them by the Board.


Audit Committee

  1. An independent Association body that will consist of three regular members, elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years,  in conjunction with the election of the Executive Board. Τhe Audit Committee will monitor and oversee the Executive Board’s administrative actions, focusing on the Treasurer, whose activities need to be compatible with the articles of the Statute and the General Assembly decisions. The Committee is entitled to conduct checks on the Association’s documents and financial ledger and supervise the Treasurer’s actions.
  2. The Committee is obliged to draw up a report on the management of the Executive Board and submit its finding at the General Assembly meetings. In its first post-election meeting, which needs to be held within five (5) days at the last, the Committee elects its President, authorised to handle the day to day running of its activities.





The General Assembly will elect the Executive Board and the Audit Committee every three years. Only Association members with settled subscriptions have the right to vote and stand for positions. Should members wish to run for election as Executive Board or Audit Committee members must submit an application to the Board, prior to the Assembly, stating the position they are interested in.


Election Committee

  1. A three-member body made up of a President and two members is elected prior to the General Assembly election process and is responsible for the smooth and fair running of the elections. The Secretary of the outgoing Executive Board then reads out the candidates for Executive Board and Audit Committee positions.
  2. Objections to the candidacies must be submitted instantly to the election committee. The Assembly decides immediately on all objections. Voting then takes place.



  1. They take place for all positions available. Firstly, up to fifteen (15) advisors and the members of the Audit Committee in a second, separate vote.
  2. Members who have settled their subscriptions vote for up to fifteen (15) advisors and the members of the Audit Committee.
  3. Once the last of the members attending the Assembly and has the right to vote, have exercised their right, the election committee starts counting ballots. The method is preferential voting for all specified positions.
  4. Following the count, the election committee draws up and signs the voting minutes and declares the winning candidates.



The Association draws stable income from the sources indicated in article 4 of the current statute, namely the enrollment fee and annual member subscriptions. Additional income is derived from added contributions through specified causes as well as interest from the initial capital, donations, trust funds, state subsidies, a fixed subsidy from the District Volunteerism Council and/or other organisations, EU structural funds and income from Association events.


Association dissolution and amendment of aims

The Association is dissolved when members drop below twenty (20) or other reasons apply, according to relevant provisions in the statute as well as legislation. The dissolution of the Association, as well as the amendment of its statute and aims, requires the attendance at a General Assembly of three quarters (3/4) of the total number of members. A majority of three quarters (3/4) of voting members is needed to validate such decisions. Any Association assets remaining following its dissolution and liquidation, will be donated to a public health charitable Association. The members of the General Assembly will decide on which one, through simple majority.



A rectangular shaped seal, bearing the name of the Association


Internal Regulation

Following General Assembly approval, the Executive Board is obliged to draw up an internal regulation that will determine the rights and obligations of members in more distinct detail. The regulation will also establish the Association’s method of operations.


Member obligations

All Association members have a duty to work towards fulfilling the aims set out in the statute, without reward or compensation and have the right to demand strict statute adherence by everyone. Every issue concerning the Association that is not specified in the present statute is always settled through the spirit of the statute and in accordance to the provisions of relevant legislation and regulations.





The present 31 article statute was read out, debated and voted article by article and in its entirety by the statutory General Assembly. It will become valid once the Association is registered with the Registrar of companies.